There are hundreds of credit repair companies all promising to improve your score by 100 points in no time flat. The truth is most of them probably can improve your credit score. Pretty much any one who can use a computer or write a letter can improve your credit score. The process is pretty simple dispute anything negative on your report, simply ask the three credit reporting agencies to validate each negative point. You can accomplish this by pulling your report from one of the many free credit report websites (by the way nothings free) You will have to pay anywhere for 14 to 30 bucks for your free triple score. From there you can dispute any negative information that may show up. If info is inaccurate show documentation why its inaccurate, If it's not simply ask them to validate it they have 30 days to prove that it's correct or they have to remove it.
Some of the credit repair companies out there are actually pretty good at what they do. So if you don't have the time or confidence to do it yourself go to this link Credit Repair Companies - The Best Credit Repair Companies Ranked & Reviewed Sometimes things are better left to the experts.
If you are not planing to make a major purchase in the near future save your money, because good credit can turn into bad credit very quickly, then you have to pay again and again.
If you are planning to make a major purchase like a house, car, computer or even apply for a credit card in the near future you should probably act before you think about making that purchase. Improving your score above the 678 average can save you anywhere from a couple of hundred dollars on a small purchase, to a 100,000+ on the life of a home mortgage. And you are not limited to only future purchases, if you do succeed in improving your credit score you can also refinance loans you are currently paying high interest rate on. Refinancing is a great option it could save you a couple of hundred dollars on your monthly car payment, insurance and other installment payments, on your mortgage your savings will be much grater.
Do your own homework on the credit repair revolution it is totally legal, and smart consumers use these strategies before even considering a purchase. So stop being a victim of the greedy lending institutions and the credit bureaus who are paid by the lending institutions, and fight back improve that score...
P.S. did you know that FICO stands for Fair Isaac and Company, were's the fair!
Adam T Barrera
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